Hi I have sorted out some time back and sell you some product sets. For this set-sale rules are different than usual, always, so please respect it, if you're accustomed to the normal rules.
If interested in one or more sets, use the following makes:
- Send e-mail to CuddleCow@web.de with the name (as in the title) of the sets / offer (s) that you want, your Paypal address, your address and stating whether you want insured shipping or not (surcharges for shipping insurance be in the description).
- If you take several pieces, give to you, whether you want just one set, if someone else's / the other has been selected first.
- payment only in advance via Paypal (NO transfer possible! )
- Please read the rules below (shipping liability, etc.)
- only write me a mail if you want to take a set safely.
- sets can not be separated
If you take several sets, you pay less shipping (the shipping costs then I pull back on the final amount)
Set 3: "MAC Holiday" - 3 parts, € 29.50 including shipping as a letter (optional € 1.60 extra for insured registered mail), was a complete set from the Holiday Collection 2009
consisting of:
- Lipglass "Get Rich Quick" - about 80% full
- lipstick "Fantasia" - about 3 times used
- Lipliner "Cedar" - tested only once on the back
Offer 4: "Dianne Brill Pink " - 1 part, 7,00 € Shipping as letter (optinal € 1.60 extra for shipping as underinsured registered)
- Dianne Brill Lipstick French Cut Panty, about 90-95% full
Offer 5: "Dianne Brill Nude" - 1 part, 6,00 € including shipping as a letter (optinal € 1.60 extra for shipping as underinsured registered)
- Dianne Brill Lipstick Nude Negligee ", 2 times used
! Both Dianne Brill Lipsticks together for 10 € including shipping as a letter!
Offer 7: Styli-Style " - Part 1, 5.50 including shipping as a letter (optinal eytra € 1.60 for shipping by insured registered mail)
- Styli-Style Line & Seal 24 "104 Navy Black", once on the back of the hand tested, beautiful, white satin Black Blue
Set 1: "eyes" - 9-piece, € 8.50 including shipping as a letter ( (optional € 1.60 extra for insured registered mail) WAY
consisting of:!
- 5 Manhattan "My Shadow Box" (see color picture), little used
- a Catrice Velvet Matte Eyeshadow "070 Dark Lilac", once used
- L'Oreal Volume Shocking Mascara "Black", used twice, still far from open
- Essence Volume Boost Mascara base, about 3 times used
- Essence Eyeliner Pencil Creamylicious "01 Chocolate Shake", once used
Set 2 "cheeks" - 2-piece, consisting 4.50 including shipping as a letter (optional € 1.60 extra for insured registered mail) WAY
- 2 Catrice "Nude Sensation "Shimmer Rouge" Nude Peach "and" Coral Pink ", each used twice
Offer 6: "eleven Lipstick - 1 part , 2.50 € including shipping as a letter (optional € 1.60 extra for shipping as registered underinsured ) ! WAY!
- eleven o'clock Mineral Lipstick Runway Pink ", used once. swatches available here
- rules:
- Currently payment is only via Paypal possible (free registration here: Paypal)
- payment received payment
- Payment should normally be made within 48 hours (the time stamp is valid for weekdays)
- Liability for shipped items will be the shipping company regulated. I am not responsible for lost or damaged goods (for any of the shipping options offered). For a small fee can be sure you are sending the shipping company (see Porto list further down, please with confusion in www.post.de!)
- I reserve nothing. However, if a payment for some reason not possible within 48 hours, can always alter this period will be arranged (maximum 7 days)
- who within a week (or the individually agreed period of time) does not pay or does not reply, is blocked for the blog and of course, loses the right to the goods
- I always ship 1-2 days after payment
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