I am once again have to leave some honey.
My rules:
If you want to have something, please write an e-mail to schafi23 (at) yahoo.de.
- payment via wire transfer
- payment received payment
- Payment should normally be made within 48 hours (the Time data apply to business days)
- Liability for shipped items is regulated by the shipping company. I am not responsible for lost or damaged goods (for any of the shipping options offered).
- I reserve nothing. However, if a payment for some reason not possible within 48 hours, can always alter this period will be arranged (maximum 7 days)
- who within a week (or the individually agreed period of time) does not pay or does not reply, is for the blog is blocked and lost, of course, entitled to the goods
- I ship always 2-4 days after payment
- shipment to 500g (unlocked, uninsured): 1.65 €
- letter (closed, not insured): 2,20 €
- DHL package - insured up to 500 € : 6,90 €
MAC e / s aquavert (in packaging Lure), small hollow, 9 €

MAC e / s entpottet Brill, small hollow, 7 €, e / s Sugar Blue entpottet, hardly used, 7 €, e / s Teal Blue Refill * WAY *

MAC Glitter Eye Liner
oxidates, about 75% available, 5 €

Kat von D Metal Orchestra range, little used, 21 €

Cargo Eye Shadow Palette Toronto, used minimally, 9 €

Too Faced Eye Shadow Moonbeam, used 3 times, 5 €